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Monday 10 December 2012

Samsara by Guerlain... Winter scent.

One of my favourite perfumes of the moment is Samsara by Guerlain. I absolutely love it. It smells very different to lots of the "teeny bopper" type perfumes that are everywhere at the moment. Now this perfume is pretty old school and has been around a while, and I have only just discovered it. I guess it has a very mature, rich kind of smell.

I will explain how it makes me feel. Samara to me is a crisp, cool, autumn day in NY or cold, dark, winter night. It is a soft, warm & cozy winter sweater, black boots and elegant black dress kinda scent..Yes it is a heavier scent and therefore needs to used sparingly. I would describe it as an oriental with notes of sandlewood and vanilla. Often orientles have often been thought of as being masculine. But this is indeed a friendlier oriental. The packaging shouts "splurge buy" you feel as though you have purchased yourself a luxury item.

Sultry, not loud but does make a statement. Legendary and Fabulous. My favourite this winter, makes me feel so warm and cosy when wrapped up with my hat, scarf and gloves :-) Let me know if you guys have tried it, and what you think.

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